Register to become an EUSPBA Member (or renew your membership)
You must be a member of the EUSPBA or a partnered North American pipe band association in order to compete.
Click here to register to become an EUSPBA member, or renew your membership. You can do this at any time during the year.
Once registered, write down your member number. You'll use it when you register for competitions.​
Understand the Basics of Competing in the EUSPBA
​Competing is pretty intuitive. But, if you're new or you'd like a refresher on some of the basics, familiarize yourself with the following competitor info:
Get Graded (or Regraded)
To create fun, fair, exciting competitions, all competitors are placed in a certain grade level based on their abilities.
New Competitors
When a new competitor registers for the EUSPBA, they will be placed in the entry-level grade for their instrument automatically, unless the competitor requests an alternate initial grading. New competitors can make that request (if applicable) by clicking here.
Existing Competitors
At the end of each competition season, competitors who feel they are ready for the next grade can apply to be upgraded for the next season. The application form to apply for upgrade is found here.
It's Time to Compete.
Once you are registered, and you know your grade level, it's time to register to compete!
Browse upcoming competitions by clicking here.
Register for competitions you'd like to compete at.
For each competition you've registered for, keep an eye out for communications regarding when your competition events will occur, what the order of play will be, etc.

Get in Touch
If you have any questions about competiting in the EUSPBA, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're always happy to help.